Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Some people can be so brainless

I was at one of those chinese dinner for temple de... those outdoor kind de... Saw a very tiny bird. Very cute..... It looks like those kinda fake bird tat are put as decoration on Ying Liu tree during CNY, The size is also exactly the same as those. It was hopping around on the crowded floor...

My dad was afraid tat someone would step on it, so he carried it and put in near a grass patch. The bird stayed there throughout almost the whole dinner. My dad intended to bring it home after the dinner and rear it, just in case it gets pounced on by cats in the open. Halfway through the dinner, the bird flew and landed on our table. It seems to know that my dad had the kind intention and hopped right in front of my dad. It was so so very cute..... 超可爱.

But all of a sudden, it flew to the ground again and by tat time, a crowd had gathered around it. This waitress...then walked over and picked the bird up and walk away with it. After a while, my mum went up to her and ask her where is the bird. She say the "tang kee"m say cannot keep. Must 放生, so she brought the bird to a junction and let it fly.

Wah lau!!!! The bird super tiny and cannot fly high de. Everyone saw the bird cannot fly high, she bring to a traffic junction and 放生. Stupid or what?! Some more still very 得以 telling her friend about it like she so 伟大.

My mum was worried. So she walk to the junction to find the bird hoping it's still alive.... but sad to say, it was dead already. Its body was lying near the divided flat....

I was rather traumatized cause one min it was still alive, flying around and hopping in front of me and the next, it's dead. We almost had the chance to bring it home so that we can keep it away from the dangers of the open such as cats and cars. Yet that stupid woman stupidly brought it to a traffic junction and there it died. 笨死了!!!!!

My mum was quite pissed, so she walk up to that dumb woman and told her the bird is dead. She pretended not to hear and carrying on bragging to her friends.

I think she super brainless.... cause hor, we were in the middle of a field (the dinner was under a tentage on a field) and yet instead of 放生 at the field, she had to walk to the traffic junction. Kowz! Isn't she plain dumb, stupid, brainless? And wat's worse is tat she seems indifferent to the fact tat the bird died.

Damn it! So angry with her!!!!!! After all, a bird is a living thing...... Sadz..... Wat a brainless bitch!

1 comment:

Jancie said...

wah lao, this is so sad....
I wonder if she really have the intention to fang sheng. You are right, she is DUMB! Poor birdie....