Friday, February 03, 2006

Haiz.... Sometimes I feel my social life is getting more and more boring. WHY???

Seems like a lot of my friends (of my age) are having lots of fun going to clubs, hanging out and lots of activities. Why is it that I seems to be stuck in a rut?

Work from Mon to Fri, dinners in the evening, Fri night mahjong, Sat hang around at home with Jas (once in a while mahjong), Sun stay home... dinner with parents. And there! That's my week. Haiz...... So boring!

Can't something more interesting happen? Once in a while, I feel like going out drink, drunk and be wild. Hmm... miss those times man.... Why? Is it as we age, there is nothing more we can do other than mahjong? Not tat I dun like mahjong, love the game to death but hor.... I feel deprive of a more upbeat social life. 有时候觉得好像没有朋友,真可怜!

Talking about age. I feel very contradicting. 有时候觉得很年轻,有时候又觉得老了, 老了.... So 到底是怎样。Sianz Sianz Sianz......


Jancie said...

I feels the same as you... at least you still have mahjong, i have cha bee hoon and more cha bee hoon and more work and sleep.... I supposed as you grow older life gets more stagnant.... looking on the bright side, all those clubbing cost money and at the end of the day u smell like cigarette (But deep down, i still hope for more social life la)heheh
Don't worry la, soon your life is going to be more exciting when you starts to meet people :)

Unknown said...

Von, you not alone man. What do I do everyday but eat, sleep, msn, surf porn, twiddle my thumb, twiddle my toes, drink with Hoon, drink with my friends and drink at home????? Worse still, I have been cooking pretty often so I get burns on my arms, boils on my face and peeling skin on my hands.

Btw, when we gonna play mahjong huh??? I need some shopping money!!!!!!! wahahahahaa

HeaveNz said...

Janice... you shld learn mahjong then play with me and Sinta. Haha!