Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bernie Vs Toffee

Hey... Look here! This is my buddy-at-work. He's Bernie the Bear!!!!

"Hi! I'm Bernie!"
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I bought this bear yesterday at Barang Barang during lunch. He looks so cute on the shelf, I can't resist but brought him back to office. The other reason is that Bernie looks like my dog.... Toffee.
This is Toffee..

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Toffee and I seems to have an affinity for each other. I saw her when she was only 3mths old. Nancy sold her to me... Her dog gave birth to 2 puppies and Toffee was one of them. When I stepped into the room tat day, Brownie (her name at that time) immediately strutted to me. Nancy said at that time, she normally won't one. Conclusion, she likes me! haha!

And the next most fascinating thing is tat, she was born on 15 Aug. Means hor, same birthday as Jas. Haha! So hor, see? Very 有缘 hor?

She's been here for 2yrs plus le and she has brought much laughter to the household. My dad absolutely loves her. He is so much more willing to walk a distance to buy food / snacks for her rather than for any other members of the hse. Haha! Although we are nt sure whether is Toffee afraid of the dark, whenever we go out, we will leave the lights on for her.

Now hor... cannot imagine life without her. Sometimes just look at her running around in the hse, will feel very happy le. Dunno why oso.....

Haha!Gotta stop now.... Bernie bear is asking me to get back to work le.... Lolx!

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