Saturday, March 11, 2006


“在一样的空间, 有人结合, 有人被放弃, 有人想放弃别人, 有人什么都不想...
结合就一定快乐吗? 分手就是结局吗? 这全部都是真实吗?” (From Jason Bro’s Blog)




Actually, I am more affected by the news of the divorce. I dunno why but I feel extreme sadness. Maybe just emotional…. I cannot bear to see couples who after so many years together, end their relationship. Dunno why oso….

世界上,每个人都有过着自己的生活,走着自己的路。 好不容易,两个人走到了交叉路,遇见了对方,认识了对方,这就叫做缘分。能够在一起, 更是一种奇妙的缘分。我觉得啊,应该好好地珍惜。



Unknown said...

Life's as such. Nobody says that being married is the end of the love road. A new journey continues after marriage. But don't be so despondent about marriage la. There is always something to learn in everything that we do in life be it good or bad.

Impetuous Moi said...

Everybody is selfish to a certain extent. In this world, sometimes i guess "Till death do us apart" is merely a statement with no meaning to it anymore.

inoka said...

well, perhaps 1 door closes, another opens..?

perhaps ba.